♥ Saturday, April 29, 2006♥
guys Insyirah is so right we all put have put in effort for our common exams but 'o' lvls is not yet over so let's put in our best, but we too deserve a well deserved break thus to all of you take this long weekend to recharge for the oncoming challenges. I believe this myself if we were to be determined enough, we will be able to slice through challenges like a hot knife through butter. So that's all i have to say guys take care
Sign Off,
♥ ♥
it's gonna be a long weekend guys.
common test over but not o-level.
study hard and enjoy your weekends.
c ya all on tuesday.
♥ Friday, April 28, 2006♥
may god bless him , and may he get everything his heart desires.
-suraj. =)
♥ Thursday, April 27, 2006♥

~Azura posting the image here.
hope u like it..
=Battalion Is A Family=
♥ Monday, April 24, 2006♥

Today was the first day of common test and hope that 4B will be able to breeze through it.
Like what Suraj had said earlier, we came together into the class with totally no strings attacthed. Now, we are going through all the high and dark times together (like the thailand trip). Everyone is much closer and the knowledge we have seemed to be fine and i hope that everyone will get through the common test and o' lvls. Bear through the long extended curriculum time. Then you will find out that it's time to party!
` Perserverence!
♥ Sunday, April 23, 2006♥
yeah suraj is so righhhht!
d 2pid dumb tinks tat happened during d thailand camp onli brought us more closer n stronger together. =]
i jus feel so great getting to noe u guys n being a part of battalion!!
rawk on ppl.
keep tat spirit high up!
luv u all.
♥ Saturday, April 22, 2006♥
hey battalion,
somehow deep inside, I feel that our class was meant to be together. We started off early last year as an effed up class, with everyone literally knowing each other, so it wasn't much of fun. Then came the Chinese New Year decorations competition, where we got together during Pastoral care period, and we worked out a team that would be in charge of the decorations. No one really cared about the team, as we all knew we would be working together as one. Late nights spend in doing the final touches of the decorations, and there we were, bagging the second award for the class decorations in the whole of Sec 4 level. To be frank, yet humble, I feel we were first in the whole of the school.
Then came the racial harmony banner competition. There we were, being given a piece of empty sort of mahjong paper, and left with only paint, and our brains to work out a banner, that was creative, yet humble without all those fanciful designs that made posters ugly. Again, as fast a battalion would be, we came up with a quick idea, to incorporate everyone's hands into the poster. Literally not the hands, but the hand prints, all around the posters. Everyone got together, with a few battlers armed with the paintbrushes, to paint their own hands red, green and yellow. The kind of spirit we had was tremendous, no one backed out upon the fear that their hands would get dirty. Everyone stepped up, and there we were, with our poster all touched up. We handed up in the nick of time, maybe ten minutes or twenty minutes late, but yet we held our spirits high. And there we were again, during The Racial Harmony Celebrations, when we bagged the first award for the banned competition. From then on, we knew that the battalion was not someone or something that people wanted to mess around with.
Here came the National Day Classroom Decoration Competition, and again, armed with very few artiliries, we stormed through the process, decorating our class with whatever we could find. Pasting up flags, paragraphs of how we had gotten democracy, incorporating everything our brain had to spit out. AND ONCE AGAIN, '4B' was announced as the winner for the competition. It was unbelievable, we have to admit. But nevertheless the Battalion was always ready for anything that had to come it's way.
There came the Thailand trip, though our form teacher was not able to join us due to family limitations, we held up high spirits and went to Thailand. There, something had happened, which for sure had dampened our spirits, into which the whole of battalion stood together and fought it's way through. We came back, and a discussion was held during pc period. And from then on, we knew the battalion had to fight a new battle, which in it we had to emerge victorious.
Gathering again in 2006, we cheered together for a start of a new year. Aware that we knew how fast time would fly, we geared ourselves for the preparation of our O'levels. There came the Chinese New Year decorations competition again, and we knew, we had to uphold our title. This time, we were organised, well-prepared in vicinity. Jobs were divided accordingly, and we went on to fulfil them. Everyone sure had a part to play. There we went again, bagging the first prize award for the competition. People accused us of biasness, but deep inside we knew, that all our hard efforts and combined teamwork had payed off.
O levels is coming around the corner, and everyone has been pushing himself/herself to the limits. With dedicated teachers, we sure know the how to appreciate and make sure that their efforts don't go unnoticed.
BATTALION - a considerable body of troops organized to act together decisively
Cheers my fellow brothers and sisters.

♥ ♥
updated link.
since no one post any post,
i'll start the ball rolling. (:
study hard for our coming common test.
and, not forgetting our O's.
TAKE CARE everyone.
don't tired yourself.